It's so exciting to think that even though our stores are filled with books, music and clothes that contradict Gods word
and fail to bring glory to Him, that God's kingdom continues to advance! Sometimes, we can look at the world we live in and
feel like it's a lost cause. The influences of mans selfishness and hunger for self glorification seem to have infested every
aspect of life - how will God be glorified through all that seems to be going on? Answer; through you and me invading the
earth in the authority of sons of God. Awesome!! When we look at the world we do not lose hope. In fact, we must not lose
hope because only by realizing that God's kingdom is truly advancing, will we be confident in fearlessly marching to reclaim
Gods turf. The truth is that the earth is the Lord's, and everything that's in it, the world and all who live in it; for he
founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. Our confidence in God's word will motivate us to live the life
God predestined for each and every one of us to advance His Kingdom rule! Our generation will be like an army of committed
soldiers who realize that the whole world is Gods and He shall rule it, just the same as He rules heaven. This is already
true, but we long to see the evidence of this awesome reality in our families, friendships, communities and the whole earth!
Regardless of race, upbringing, past failures, or anything that the world uses to exclude people, God does no such thing.
He made us the way we are to slot into His amazing army, through which He will extend His rule all over the world.
Kingdom is not limited, nor is it out there in some abstract religious theology! Through sometimes small and gradual changes
in our attitudes, actions and words, as the Holy Spirit tweaks, God's Kingdom gains more and more ground. Even something like
picking up litter is advancing God's Kingdom because you are bringing His order. A helpful way to be an Invader of God's Kingdom
is to look at the situation you are in and think, If this was a section of God's kingdom, would it look like this? Would I
say this? Would I allow that person to be hungry when I have two burgers, even though I will never see them again? God's Kingdom
changes the deepest parts of people. It's not just our surroundings that change, its the very hearts of our fellow man. Join
the army that's arising and invade the earth with the powerful rule of God!!