"There is today no lack of Bible teachers to set forth correctly the principles of the doctrines
of Christ, but too many of these seem satisfied to teach the fundamentals of the faith year after year, strangely unaware
that there is in their ministry no manifest Presence, nor anything unusual in their personal lives. They minister constantly
to believers who feel within their breasts a longing which their teacher simply does not satisfy." (Tozer, The Pursuit
of God)
The purpose of this devotional series is to help promote a radical Christian lifestyle to youth.
We think that the Christian youth have heard it all in terms of Bible teaching and fun youth group meetings. We believe these
"Five Essentials" are necessary characteristics for a generation that will affect the world with the gospel and impact Christianity
at large in a radical way. "Routine" Christianity is shallow at best, and is screaming out for a revolution - a restoration
to the New Testament Church basics found in the book of Acts. Therefore, God is raising up a generation that will not only
be aliens among the world, but, unfortunately, will also be aliens among the church. Just as Joshua and Caleb were two out
of twelve spies who came back with a good report, so will the alien youth stand in stark contrasts to status quo Christianity.
It is time for an invasion - for the sons and daughters of God to rise up and make a difference in
the short time we have here on earth. It is time for us to be marked by the presence and power of God, and mere words.
It is time to embrace our call and destiny, and through His Spirit to be those who turn the world upside down. It is time
for the unveiling of the alien youth.