Dive Over In is a simple call to give all of yourself to God. There are basically two issues in this song:
fear and abandonment, or loss.
The fear is broken in the seeking of the Lord (changing the thinking) as in Psalm 34:4
(you might note verse 5 as well!). In this seeking we find our loss of our lives and the gain of life in Jesus is the return
for giving up our fears. Jesus said, "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will
save it." (Luke 9:24) Now, this "loss" is nothing like we think of loss. Anything surrendered to Jesus will bring good fruit.
The apostle Paul beautifully describes this loss and gain in Philippians 1:20-26, as also described in the song Pour.
believers, we receive a new life in Christ unlike anything else in the world. Our old way of doing things and being HAS passed
away. We simply cannot continue in old patterns of life and "stand on the edge" of all God has provided for us in himself
and expect to be fulfilled. We were made for completing in Jesus, let us dive over in and be made whole!
Skillet do:
In what areas of your life are you "standing on the edge" of what God would have you do or be? Is fear holding you back? Lack
of discipleship? Pride? Search your heart and give up anything in you that doesn't agree with what God says about you in the
Bible. Now, dive over in!