In the song Coming Down, we are offerred a view of the world and the kingdom of God unlike anything we have ever imagined.
A world totally regenerated in Christ, full of peace, judgement of wrong, unity of the church and all nations and people under
the head of the creator, and a deep filling of ourselves in the purposes of the king of the universe. It is an offer we cannot
ignore, because, as the song says, it IS happening! It is not for the future only, God is moving in his plans now on the earth,
and the children of God are at the center of it!
Specifically, racism cannot be a part of God's government (1 Corinthians
12:12), the harvest of people being made ready for God's goverment is ripe (Matthew 9:27, John 4:35), and the people of God
have been given the "keys to the kingdom" now. In Matthew 16:19, Jesus says we have been given the keys and that "whatever
you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." This means we have a
responsibility and purpose in our world-to do the things the Father does, being in all ways Christ-like! We have power to
bring God's rule to our lives and those around us!
But the key is in the chorus, as explained further in 1 Corinthians
12:13, "...we were all given the one Spirit to drink." The Holy Spirit has the power to make the change in our world through
us. Jesus himself told us, "...whoever drinks the water I give him (the promised Holy Spirit) will never thirst. Indeed, the
water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." So the drawing of the Spirit of God into
ourselves, the calling upon of the gracious power of the Living God for his life and purpose, makes us open the way to see
the universe act out the plan of the creator, not just in the future but in our very day!
Over and over God reveals
his kingdom to us in the Bible. It is for us to see, to grasp, to act, to celebrate the goodness of the God who made us all!