Philipians 2:12 says, "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling." As we get serious about our walk
with God we continually become more aware that our lives are not our own. God asks for it all, and sometimes we don't want
to give it all! My prayer is for the Lord to take everything of mine that I call "mine" and not his and count it as a sacrfice
to him! Romans 12:1 says to offer our body as living sacrifices to the Lord, that we will be transformed. As we offer our
lives up to God and he brings fire to them, then all that remains is him.
Our salvation requires that everything that
isn't pleasing to God be burned away. The more that is burned the more we can see who God really is! This is the good news-that
Christ died to give us true life. Even though we didn't taste death as Jesus did, we taste a spiritual death by killing our
old self after we give our life to Jesus. (Phillipians 3:10)
Skillet do: Reread Phillipans 3:7-11 and Romans 6 and
the lyrics to Take and examine your life.