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God has called us as Christians to love the face of hate. This love has no bounds and cannot be swayed by hate or convenience. Read Acts 6-7. This account of Stephen speaks about a love so strong that at the moment of death he can ask God not to hold their sins against them! (Acts 7:60) This tells us two things: 1. Stephen was more radical than I am. 2. If we are to change the world we need to start with a strong, unchanging, radical love that won't fall in the heat of confrontation!

Jesus' love was like this and is the first account of someone strong enough to ask God to forgive those who were killing him. (Luke 23:34) The awesome thing is, it's you and me that he forgives, because it's our sin that he died for! The best part of all this is that God does not hold our sins against us! (2 Corinthians 5:19) Even though we beat him, spat on him, whipped him, tore the flesh off his back, placed a crown of thorns on his head, made him carry his own cross, and nailed him to it, he loves our soul and calls us his children. Our God is truly beautiful and amazing!

Skillet do: Pray this from your heart: God, I pray that I can be deep enough and strong enogh to love like you do. Help me change to be more like you.