This song brings into focus the fact that God is more than just outside of you and
more than just inside of you, but rather that the Spirit of God flows freely through those who are of Him, being both the
indweller of men's hearts and the Spirit which exerts influence on the whole earth.
In Genesis, we see the picture
of the Spirit of God hovering over the waters of the earth, being God's creative force in the universe (Genesis 1:2). This
Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, was released onto and into the first Christians at Pentecost, just as Jesus personally had
promised them in Acts 1:5. This story is given in Acts chapter 2 and following. The followers of Jesus and all the new converts
shared a dynamic life, full of activity very similar to that ofJesus: healing, preaching, teaching, and growing in God by
the Holy Spirit (read Acts!). There is no reason to assume this way of life ended with them, as millions of Christians worldwide
experience this kind of ministry today.
Here are the characteristics and actions of the Holy Spirit:
1. Fills
every believer (Matthew 3:11, Psalm 51:11, Luke 11:13, Acts 2:38, 2 Corinthians 5:5) 2. Empowers us to do acts greater than
that of Jesus (Romans 8:26). 3. Gives the peace of God. He is the Comforter (2 Peter 1:21). 4. Enables the believer to understand
the Bible (1 Corinthians 2:10, 14). 5. Acts powerfully and specifically in the lives of Christians, at specific times for
specific reasons and purposes (2 Thessalonians 2:13, Galatians 5:22). This is a re-filling, which happens consistently as
we allow it. 6. He is the Counselor (John 14:26).
1. Love - action word describing affection, desire for another's
best, commitment to someone 2. Joy - deep contentment and happiness that is not dependent upon circumstances 3. Peace -
calm resolve that everything will be okay and work out for the best 4. Patience - waiting without desperation or freaking
out 5. Kindness - acts toward others that benefit them 6. Goodness - desiring good things for self and others, not bad 7.
Faithfulness - true to one person or God without wavering 8. Gentleness - not abrasive, demanding, or selfish in action or
word 9. Self control - able to keep from doing wrong and able to do right things
Yikes! Big list of what we all need,
eh? Ultimately, these traits are what every person in this world wants to have and to be shown to them. If this were to
happen, we'd live in a new world. Let's begin with ourselves! This lasting fruit is only possible through the Spirit of God,
the Holy Spirit. Use the definitions provided above for these nine things and ask God to begin to work them into your life.
Some of them come by hard trial and determination with cooperation with God, so don't be discouraged. Find a mature Christian
that displays these things and ask them to help you walk it out. Read Galatians, especially chapter five, and see how the
early church did.