This song is my testimony. When I was five years old, I gave my heart to Jesus. This
is when I first understood who he is and that he loves me; not because I was good enough, but because of his grace. As I began
having a relationship with God, I leatned what commitment was all about. "Yeah, I know it took some time " means that when
I was five years old, I did not have much opportunity to sin. But as I became older, it was easier to forget God's name. As
a result, sin crept into my life. God continued pursuing me, but I could not always forgive myself...I had a name for me-the
promise breaker. At this point in the song, I came to a place where I longed for God's forgiveness. I wanted so bad to be
removed from my sin that I tried promising it all out of me. However, in Ecclesiastes 5:5 , the Bible says that it is better
not to promise than to promise and not keep it. Therefore, on my knees for the last time, I promised God I would accept his
grace because God does not treat us as our sins deserve (Psalm 103:10). I have repented to God and asked him to forgive me,
or if you will, to put them in his promise blender.