There are times in our walk with God that we deny Him by sinning. The rooster in the song refers to the story of Peter
denying that he knows Jesus three times (Matthew 26:34, 69-75). We can also deny Christ by not living for Him, dropping our
own cross (see Bible study for Splinter) like we "deserve a little rest." Matthew 10:38 says that anyone who does not carry
his cross and follow Jesus is not worthy of Him. So when we get tired and choose to sin, we cause death to occur in ourselves
and cause Jesus and the Holy Spirit pain over our denial (Hebrews 6:4-6).
But because God is faithful and just to
forgive us, he does not hold our sins against us (1 John 1:9). See, a big part of what Jesus did by dying on the cross and,
more importantly, rising from the dead, was to make a way for us to come directly to God through him, so that the Father sees
his son Jesus when he looks at us. We who could not meet the righteous requirements of the law of God are brought in fully
by the blood and resurrected life of Jesus! In Romans 8:1 the Bible says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ
Jesus! Those who are in Christ can come boldly to the throne of grace according to Hebrews 4:16. You can come freely to God
as you confess your wrongdoing and are in Christ.
So the question is asked, "Can we still come to God?" The answer
is "You can."
Skillet Do: Read the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 and see how Jesus describes God's
reaction to those who come to him. He is like the father who longs to take his son or daughter back into the family and love
them lavishly!