Name: Ben-Judah
Position in band: Guitarist
Birthday: April 15, 1984
Hometown: St.
Louis, MO
Family: 1
sister, 1 brother
Previous jobs before Skillet: Worked at The Gap
Education: Almost
done with High School (Home School)
Hobbies: Guitar,
writing and recording music, movies, shopping, coffeehouses
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite snack: Pop tarts
Favorite color: Silver, because it
reflects all the colors
Why did you give your life to Jesus: All my life, I've been obsessed with spiritual matters and when God finally got a
hold of me, the obsession grew. I finally had a relationship with Him and it became everything in my life if that makes sense.
I had been raised in a Christian family, so ever since I was very young, I was taught about God and the Bible. When I was
about 8 years old I said a prayer and "gave my life to God" but it really didn't mean anything. At around 12 years old, God
had been working in me, wooing me to himself but I kept refusing to give in. Then at a youth camp I got prayed for by the
pastor to get my life right. I repented before God and made a decision to follow Christ. Also, that night I got baptized in
the Spirit, something that no words can really describe. Ever since that night, I've been pursuing God with my all.
Something God has taught you recently: Right now, God's showing me that He is the only thing that can satisfy the desire
within me. This sounds like something pretty basic and something that should be realized early on in conversion. However,
I guess I never got full revelation concerning it. The revelation came this past year when I took an apologetics course and
was learning different arguments for the existence of God. One argument, called the Argument for Desire, was spread across
the whole year and served as the main theme in the class. In this argument, it starts by stating that all humans are manic-depressive
and we are not satisfied with all the material things. We all search and search for something to fill the desire within us,
but we continually fail to be satisfied. The argument goes on to say that these are 2 types of desires in the world, natural
and unnatural. Unnatural desires being these like wanting the Rams to win the Superbowl. In other words, it is possible to
be human and not desire that. However, with natural desires, it is necessary that all humans desire it. For instance, humans
naturally desire food, sex, etc. Now what becomes interesting is that for every natural desire, there is something to fill
that desire. Humans desire food, there is food. Fish desire water. There is water. I wouldn't make sense to have a natural
desire without something to satisfy that desire. For example, let's say you had a planet full of field mice. These field mice
desperately desired food. The only thing is, there is no such thing as food in this made up world. Now that wouldn't make
sense. The very natural desire for something proves that something must exist. So take our desire for a relationship with
a perfect, our desire for a perfect love. That desire can be found in every human being whether admitted or not.
What is your favorite
thing about doing what you do: I love to see people get saved.
Just to know that I helped to bring them to the kingdom of God is a great joy.
GMP Guitars
Mesa Boogie Single Rectifier
Vox AC30
VOX wah
digitech whammy
tube screamer
big muff
line 6 delays