
Name: Lori Peters
Position in band: Drummer
Birthday: November 29,
Hometown: Kenosha, WI
Waukegan, IL
Family: Lisa (sister)
Previous jobs before Skillet: Worked
for a benefits consulting firm, in band Alkeme with Korey
Education: 3 years at
Columbia College, Chicago
Sports / Activities in High School: Basketball, softball, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band
Hobbies: Sports, jet
skiing, playing Galaga
Favorite things to do on days off: Spend time with family and friends
Guilty Pleasure: Abba
Favorite Food: Pizza,
Mom's homemade pie
Influences: Lars Ulrich, Tommy Lee, Chad Gracey, Neil Pert
Why did you give your life to Jesus: My relationship with Jesus means the most to me. I love Him with all my heart, and praise God for what He's done in
my life. I can't imagine my life without Jesus. Well, I can...and it would be horrible! He has given me love, forgiveness,
compassion, and hope. It's amazing that Jesus died for all the things I've done wrong in my life! There is no other option
for me but to serve the one true God, Jesus Christ.
Something God has taught you recently:
God has taught me over the past 6 months to never
forget His promises. Joining Skillet is something I've always wanted to do. It's been the desire of my heart to serve God
through music, and He's given me that chance. He's taught me to look to Him for everything and to find strength through Jesus.
Who's had the biggest influence on your life: Early on in my Christian walk my best friend Shelly Synder was a huge influence in my life and she continues to be.
My elders also have helped shape who I am today.
What is your favorite thing about doing what you
do: Knowing that I'm exactly where God wants me to be - doing something I enjoy for His glorification.
Playing drums is so fun - I love it!
Slingerland Drums
Zildjian Cymbals
Vic Firth Sticks
Roland Octapad
LP Spike
Roland Drum Triggers
The following are articles posted about Lori Peters:
Peters Girls Just Wanna Have Drums
With the same intensity that linebackers smash the head of Brett Favre, Skillet's Lori Peters attacks
her set. "Being a drummer is a lot like being an athlete," Peters agrees. "It takes the same amount of dedication and discipline.
You have to have endurance in both arenas."
Known as a very aggressive hitter, the Wisconsin born Peters' hair-flailing
stage presence is refreshing and not all that common for the gender. "I always had to fight my way to get the good parts in
high school band," she says. "They always wanted to stick the girls on the bells. Playing in a heavy band like Skillet is
cool; I guess people dig seeing chick rockers."
Skillet's sound comprises the aggression of Nine Inch Nails with the
melody of Fuel, allowing the throaty vocals of bassist John Cooper to lead the charge. The band's latest disc, Collide,
has put a stamp on the modern rock charts. "Over the past six years Skillet has evolved from a more industrial sound," Peters
explains. "I'm really excited about Collide because it's like the hard rock I grew up with on MTV. This disc has heavy
guitars and heavy drums and very little electronic stuff."
By: Steven Douglas Losey ModernDummer.com

Lori Peters is currently the drummer of Skillet, starting shortly after the release of Invincible (2000). She
was born on November 29, 1973 in Kenosha, WI. In high school, she was involved the Jazz Band and Symphonic Band, and she continued
her education for 3 years at Columbia College, Chicago. Before joining Skillet, she worked for a benefits consulting firm
and was also in band named Alkeme with Korey Cooper.
Her gear is as follows:
Slingerland Drums
Zildjian Cymbals
Vic Firth Sticks
Roland Octapad
LP Spike
Roland Drum Triggers
By: Gretchen on February 25, 2006 GirlsCantWhat.com
DATING: IT'S A PURE THING Navigating the dating scene can be like white-water rafting — without the raft. Despite what your
friends are doing, it is possible to date and honor God in your relationships. Here's great advice from top Christian artists
on how to stay on course, pursue purity and have fun!
LORI PETERS (Skillet): Guys need to understand the emotional roller coaster
dating can cause us girls! Try not to lead us on. Seek God in every close friendship you have with a girl. If you think you
might want to start dating a girl seriously, run it past your father or an older guy such as a youth leader.
By: Tracy Darlington BreakAwayMag.com
an interview with Lori Peters with Will from Panheads.org:
17, 2001: Will:
Well okay. What is it like being a chick drummer?
Lori: Uhhhhhm....
W: Are there any other in the Christian industry?
L: I know that there are...
W: I don't know of any... I know that in the secular industry
there's a couple.
Yeah. Well John said that from stage once, at a festival and this woman came up to me backstage and she's like, 'Well you're
not the only....... girl drummer in Christian music,' she's like, 'I played with so-and-so.' She was a bit older than me.
I don't even know what band it was.
I think it was at AtlantaFest cause I remember him saying that...
L: I don't know..
W: He, he did say that at AtlantaFest. That might not have been
when she talked to you.
It was somewhere up near Washington.
Oh. Oh well then.... he must've said it... more than once.
L: So I know there's a few out there that are actually in signed bands. *pause* I think he's
now changed it to saying the only rock.... er.. the only chick drummer in rock music. Christian rock music.
W: What'd your parents think of it? Like, were in like a band
in high school and stuff?
Yeah. Yeah I played in orchestra and symphonic band, jazz band. My parents, my mom's really supportive. My step-dad is supportive.
They're really excited for me... for me to audition. Cause I didn't, I didn't think I was gonna be good enough. Which I wasn't.
But.. John... John gave me the chance to practice and become.... ya know. I've gotten a lot better but at the time I started
I wasn't good enough.
Now you were with Korey before in another band, right?
L: Right. It was called Alkeme.
W: So.. what kind of stuff was that?
L: A lot more mellower. Very keyboard base, that was the main
instrument, it was just keyboard, bass and drums. So.. very mellow. I can't even describe it really. Very melodic. I guess..
Sarah McLach-*stumbles* I can't even say it. Sarah McLachlanish. But not as cool. *chuckles*
W: So are y'all... is that band totally dissolved or what? Did
y'all have an album out?
Yeah we did like an indie album.
Well okay. Since the tour's coming to a close, what has it been like the past three months? Living with these guys on the
We're all ready to go home. *laughs*
That's what everybody's been telling me.
L: Well it's been a really good tour. This is like... my forth Skillet tour I think. It's
been the best.
You did Festival Con Dios... you were on the worship tour before that right?
L: Well I did two Invincible tours, a worship tour... I guess
if you...
Well Festival Con Dios is short
Yeah.... yeah this is the best I think.
What are you doing after this? After the Alien Youth tour?
L: Personally?
W: Yeah.
L: Going home. Yeah going home. Spend a lot of time with family. Enjoy the holidays.
W: And y'all start back in December.. sometime in December, I
28th. Yeah.
Okay and final once, this is one we are asking everybody. Since we are Panheads.org.. I don't know.. have you read the definition
of a Panhead that Ken gave several years ago?
L: I think I've read it but I couldn't say it.
W: How would you define a Panhead?
L: Oh man...
W: Lori Peters' definition...
L: Let's see... someone who....... is..... *chuckles* freaked
out for Skillet. Who would drive like, ten hours to come see us and who has kinda gone through all the changes with the band
and still loves the first album as much as the current album. Just.. someone who loves what we do, loves God, and loves our
ministry and stuff. Yeah. But ya gotta be freaky.